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'But I don't know how to take out the garbage!'

DEFINITION: n. A specialized inability, or area of "chosen incompetency", based on an individual's need to avoid certain unpleasant tasks. v. To avoid responsibility by claiming incompetence.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: proh/task/tuh/ney/shun

Sentence: Protaskination always overtakes me when it is time to clean the toilet and change the cat litter.

Etymology: procrastination + task


great word!! - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-29: 08:49:00

Nice one! - jedijawa, 2007-03-30: 05:53:00


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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: in-com-pre-tense

Sentence: Marcus expended more effort on his displays of incompretence than he would have done on actually finishing off his chores. He was a real laboor.

Etymology: incompetence (lack of ability) + pretence (the act of pretending; a false claim)

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Created by: arlouxo

Pronunciation: in/na/voïd

Sentence: "You're such an inavoid!" "I'm not inavoiding this, it's just true!"

Etymology: a mix of "incompetence" and "avoidance".

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: slak-err-eez

Sentence: Anthony out did his slackereasiness this time, he asked his mom to help him wipe his butt.

Etymology: slacker + ease (as in convenient)

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Created by: metapsyche


Sentence: Cleaning the toilet is my decapability.

Etymology: de (removed) + capability (ability to perform a task) = Intentional and self-imposed incapability

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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: IMPEDIment+MEANT

Sentence: The only thing he exercises is his imagination coming up with impedimeants to get out of doing any worthwhile work.

Etymology: IMPEDIment+MEANT

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: OF-UHL-doj

Sentence: At the first sign of any worthless rubbish, two-minute-old trash, household garbage or scraps of meat not worth getting upset about, offaldodging Bob would turn a whiter shade of pale. Ready to do all sorts of things and make numerous excuses to avoid any task he thought even a little unpleasant, this offaldodger thought that he fooled others. However, everyone quickly saw it as nothing more than an obvious offaldodge.

Etymology: OFFAL:waste parts,refuse,rubbish, garbage; inedible parts of a butchered animal DODGE: evade obligation by cunning, trickery.


Well that's just awful. - Mustang, 2008-06-18: 08:10:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: ig-no-lay-z

Sentence: Lou Noeclue, had an igknowlazy attitude that his drove his Mother crazy!

Etymology: Ignorant~resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or awareness. Know~To perceive as familiar; recognize. Lazy~not inclined to work or exertion.


Ignorant~resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or awareness. Know~To perceive as familiar; recognize. Lazy~not inclined to work or exertion. - abrakadeborah, 2011-03-05: 13:45:00

It has been so seems I have forgotten where to place things on here. I'm Sorry about that. I placed my "Etymology" in the comments section. lol! :)) I've kind of missed this site! Keep smiling everybody~ xo - abrakadeborah, 2011-04-08: 02:26:00


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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: dĭ-lĭb'ər-ĭg'nər-əns

Sentence: Like many teen-agers, Jacob's deliberignorance with respect to chores as common as washing dishes and doing his own laundry was transparent.

Etymology: delibber, slang for an anti-feminist; Berignor, french-gaelic var. on the name 'Berringer;' Rance, Ron Howard's brother.


Yup. As a teen my son was very deliberignorant too. - lumina, 2008-06-18: 12:31:00

like it - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-18: 16:55:00

Deliberia! - Nosila, 2008-06-19: 00:38:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: hannn dee kap

Sentence: No matter what the situation, he always managed to have a handycap handy

Etymology: handicap, handy


Does he get a special parking spot? Good Word. - Nosila, 2009-10-13: 10:15:00

love it!! - mweinmann, 2009-10-13: 23:34:00


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